World Down Syndrome Day – End the Stereotypes
What is WDSD?
According to, WDSD is an acronym for ‘World Down Syndrome Day’ (WDSD) which is celebrated on 21st March every year to encourage well-being and inclusion of and create one global voice that advocates the rights of people with Down Syndrome. Also, in this direction, the DSi (Down Syndrome Internationale) network is campaigning for the right to legal capacity based on the theme ‘End the Stereotypes’ on WDSD.
Down Syndrome: An Overview
The multiple causes of Down Syndrome are however unknown. To date, the only known source of this condition remains the abnormality of cell division. It occurs when a fetus develops an extra partial or whole copy of chromosome21 at birth. This means, that the child has developed three copies of chromosome21. These extra pairs further develop at the genetic level which is later responsible for developmental and characteristic features in an individual after birth.
Causes and Risk Factors:
It mainly occurs due to abnormal cell division in the fetus during the early development stages. However, parents having one child with Down Syndrome are at increased risk of having another child with autism. Other conditions like advanced maternal age and the possibility of genetic translocation develop a high chance for developing a disorder. Genetic translocation is a condition when a portion of chromosome21 attaches to another chromosome during conception.
People with autism are exposed to a variety of complications as they age. These complications include gastrointestinal defects, immune disorders, obesity, sleep apnea, leukemia, spinal problems, heart defects, dementia, and others. Out of these, heart defects can be very life-threatening and may be a probable cause for early surgery during infant stages.