Brominators are widely used
for cooling water and swimming pool

Brominators are widely used to dose bromine tablets for cooling water and swimming pool applications to control microbial activities. We have range of capacities for both low and high pressure applications.

Bromine tablets dissolve slowly so the dosing is controlled by adjusting the water flow through the brominator. Greater control over the bromine dosage can be achieved by the incorporation of a rotameter for precise flow control or a timer or redox controlled solenoid valve system.


A brominator works with bromo chloro-dimethyl hydatoin to keep your system sanitized. Using a brominator works better than chlorine. The chemical that is created called hypobromite, will keep your water clear and free from algae and it will not leave a chlorine smell.

Water flows through the brominator from the application, either under the water pressure generated by the system or via a booster pump. As the water flows through the brominator the tablets held within are dissolved into the system water, with the rate of dissolving being controlled by adjustment of the flow rate.

Timer and/or redox controlled solenoid valves can be fitted as an extra should greater control be required of the bromine levels.

Key features:
Max Pressure:  80 psi.
Includes: Flow meter, inlet valve and drain valve all in UPVC
Applications: Cooling Towers, Swimming Pools
Lead time: Confirmed with order
Carriage: TBC with order

Code Brominators Price Action
BROM-02 Size 260mm diameter x 630mm, holds 18kg of tablets. With flow meter and valve range 60-600 £2,126.43
BROM-03 Size 280mm diameter x 1150mm, holds 36kg of tablets. With flow meter and valve range 100-1000 ltr/hr £2,247.14